giving you the tools and support to take your life goals next level..

Business and leadership mentoring is about our mindset as much as goals and accountability. Often many of us know what to do, but subconscious beliefs and patterns that we're not aware of hold us back. Business and Leadership mentoring combines therapy and life coaching so you can create the right mindset and also learn how to master relating with others to create your success.

Business and Leadership Mentoring is for you if you have some specific goals and areas of your life that you want to up level and you’d like support. It may be wanting to uplevel in how you approach your life, your career or your money.

At Listen Up Therapy we decided to add this kind of mentoring to our offerings as many people knew that they needed some kind of support to be their best, and that often it wasn’t therapy they were after but having someone to coach them towards reaching their goals.

Whether you’re self employed and wanting to up level in your business and have support creating multiple income streams, or working for a bigger company potentially in music or TV and want help in moving up the career ladder then this type of coaching is for you.

The mentoring we offer can address several different areas of your life. You can read through the information below to see if coaching feels like it’s right for you.

Life Coaching - the power of re-framing your experience (exponential gains vs incremental gains)

Specifically focused on how changing our mindset, attitude and intention towards our experience can radically change the dynamics of our interpersonal relationships - by inviting a different form of reciprocity.

Also focusing on the power of holistic thinking combined with a learning/growth mindset where self limiting beliefs are transformed into opportunities to learn about Self - cultivating an approach to life that is rooted in achieving and leveraging Flow states.

The key message here being the move away from purely incremental gains achieved through goal-oriented coaching and instead focusing on coaching that entails mindset changes that expand our potentials exponentially.

This is for you, if you feel lost, not reaching your potential and would like some guidance in realising your dreams in all areas of life. 

Income Stream Mentoring 

The mindset being developed is one of creative indifference (gestalt term) where clients are not married to a particular outcome. 

What this entails, is fundamentally about diversification of risk, which reduces the anxiety of having all your eggs in one basket, which in turn enables greater access to flow states and creativity when each income stream has a lot less at stake.

This is for you, if you want to create financial stabililty and multiple streams of income, which is especially important if you are self employed or a freelancer, or looking to turn your side-hustle into your main job and need financial stability. 

Career Coaching 

Focused on three core approaches. 

How to define a crystal-clear Value Proposition that will be attractive to any future employer, and how to integrate that into the DNA of your CV. 

How to Re-invent yourself in order to change role, job, domain, industry or even career path, by identifying your ikigai along with your fungible skills and experience - using my own life experience (moving from Architect, to Music shop and Record Label Owner, to Investment Banking Recruiter and Consultant to Psychotherapist and Coach) as testament to how to achieve such radical changes that seem impossible because of the usual catch-22 of thinking you can't get a job in a sector you have no experience in.

How to design a strategic roadmap to getting your ideal job - here I reveal key secrets of the recruitment industry that can be utilised to guarantee getting you the job you want, by revealing how to navigate the gatekeepers, become a known entity to key influencers and make yourself the 'go to' candidate for all the jobs that you have identified as the best match to your value proposition. 

This is for you if you are feeling stagnant in your career and want to make a quantum leap going after a dream role whether it’s in your current industry or not and want support to give you the best possible chance in making that leap.

Listen Up Therapy Business Leadership Mentor Justin Lee

Business & Leadership Mentor

Justin Lee

Years of professional therapy and life coaching training, plus decades of Music Industry and Business Experience!

What past clients have gained from their sessions:

  • Moving through blocks when trying to reach goals

  • Becoming better at selling their services (by moving through blocks/self limiting beliefs)

  • Creating multiple income streams to alleviate stress

  • Moving through “glass ceilings”

  • Gained promotions

  • Increase income through strategic planning and mindset shifts

  • Understand ‘why’ they have been unsuccessful in the past and resolve that

  • Improved mental wellness especially when it comes to business and career

If you’re interested in coaching and want to make sure it’s the right fit for you, make an enquiry now and our team will get back to you.



M McGinnis (CEO Financial Services Consultancy)

"Justin has a passion to understand and help bring out the best in his clients and help them achieve their best. Within a few months of starting our sessions I had a revelation and key insight into how a previously traumatic life event was impacting my expectations regarding the future and how this impacts my overall mental health and manifests in Self Doubt that's been holding me back.

Justin sympathetically drew on his clinical experience as a psychotherapist to help me understand certain behaviours which were damaging to my relationships and professional life.
Justin helped me set specific revenue and business targets and within 1 year our business tripled our bottom line, added 2 new clients, and expanded our team with 7 new hires. He helped move our business from having a transactional relationship with clients towards a partnership model which has been instrumental in securing new work and new clients.

Our very first conversation has become a reference point and baseline as much of what we discussed then has come to fruition. I value his time and insight into re-framing my thinking to achieve positive outcomes."


If you think Listen Up Coaching is exactly what you’re needing right now, make an enquiry and we’ll help you decide if this is the right fit for you.